|  | | Please see attached file regarding the 9 Most Dangerous Apps for Children, also link below to slideshow about Generation Z. |
| | | Beyond Blue Our mission is to provide a national focus and community leadership to increase the capacity of the broader Australian community to prevent depression and respond effectively. We aim to build a society that understands and responds to the personal and social impact of depression, works actively to prevent it, and improves the quality of life for everyone affected. Principles for action •Respect for human rights and dignity. •Strong community involvement, understanding and support. •A population health approach. •Recognition of diversity and special needs. •A co-ordinated and collaborative approach. •An evidence-based approach. •Sustainable action. http://www.youthbeyondblue.comhttp://www.beyondblue.org.au |
| | | Information and resources for people whose lives have been affected by breast cancer. 1800 500 258 |
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| | | Family carer support and counselling in each state and territory. 1800 242 636 |
| | | Centacare is a pastoral arm of the Catholic Church. They provide counselling and support for families and individuals. Telephone 3252 4371 if you wish to find out more. |
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| | | Griffith University incorporates the Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention. It runs a clinic with the only specialised outpatient service in Australia dedicated to the assessment and treatment of individuals at increased risk of suicide. All visits are bulk billed. For further information, please visit www.griffith.edu.au/aisrap. |
|  | | Headspace is Australia's National Youth Mental Health Foundation. It works to reduce the impact of mental health issues and drug and alcohol use on young people. the services are free, confidential and youth-friendly and for 12-25 year olds. For further information please visit http://www.headspace.org.au/nundah |
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| | | Counselling for children and young people aged 5 to 25. 1800 55 1800 |
| | | National 24-hour telephone counselling service for the cost of a local call. 13 11 14
| | | Confidential 24-hour phone counselling. 1800 200 526
| | | Please find below a link for a new online self-help program for children, young people (ages 8 -17) and their parents who are suffering from anxiety. The BRAVE program was developed by researchers from UQ, Griffith University and The University of Southern Queensland in consultation with UniQuest, and is funded by beyondblue. UQ researcher Professor Justin Kenardy said the self-paced program was fun, interactive and easy to use and it is FREE. http://www.uq.edu.au/news/article/2014/05/free-online-program-help-children-anxiety |
| | | For information and support re parenting issues. Queensland - 1300 30 1300
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| | | The website has this week been launched in Queensland by the Health Minister. It has been established by Daniel and Kylie Hobbs and is to be distributed nationally in partnership with the Mentl Health Association of Australia. The initiative is aimed at stigma reduction and early intervention and prevention.
| | | Support and counselling for relationships 1300 364 277
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| | | Please see below link for details pertaining to safe travel for school students including Codes of Conduct for School Students travelling on Buses and other relevant information resources. |
| | | Telephone support for those at risk of suicide, their carers and those bereaved by suicide. 1300 659 467
| | | National support and referral for people with eating disorders, and their families. 1800 33 4673 |
| | | This is a Psychology Clinic based at Stafford (also The Gap). They provide counselling and therapy for adults, adolescents and children. They also liaise with Speech Pathologists and Occupational Therapists, based at the same locations. They offer programs in Relaxation (next one begins on 27 May, 2013) and the Resilient Adolescent Program for Parents, among others. Please visit http://www.youngmindsnetwork.com for further information. Also please note that this is not a particular endorsement, but one of many avenues you may wish to explore to find one which meets your needs. |
| | | beyondblue's website for young people - information on depression and anxiety and how to help a friend. |